Samstag, 13. Februar 2010

Ruven Afandor - the master of puppetlook

Working in a dark room and be quiet about his fame is part of the charakter of the leading fashion and celebrity photographer Ruven Afandor. In the 2000, he won the coveted Trophee de la Mode award for Best Photographer.His Columbian roots are in his book "Torero" - Matadors of Columbia, Mexico, Peru and Spain. He received a great deal of praise for this work, especially for the physicalness of the matators, but without any stereotype macho-elegance. His Photos are full of phantasie and sureal situations. The garments in the picture are looking real and the same time so far away.  In the model veins and arteries is no blood, she looks like a window mannequin. This is the point where Ruven Afanador has this scary attitude in his work.
It's hard to find any information about him.
So I'l let his work talk for him.

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