Dienstag, 16. Februar 2010

I Have A New Blog

It's in German, totally worth reading it and extraordinary fun being a part of it.
Love to meet you there http://ownsociety.blogspot.com/

Marvelous poem from Kurt Tucholsky

Kurt Tucholsky (1890 - 1935) was a German writer and journalist. He was one of the most famous writers for the Weimarer Republik, his political view was clearly lefty and he was warning against the National Socialism.

Kurt Tucholsky's  poem "Aus" is about breaking up with someone and not being the same person after that. There's always a part of the other one in you. I think this poem may make you feel better after breaking up, maybe ;-)
Sorry, English readers, it's in German.


Einmal müssen zwei auseinandergehn; 

einmal will einer den andern nicht mehr verstehn
einmal gabelt sich jeder Weg 

und jeder geht allein -
wer ist daran schuld?

Es gibt keine Schuld. 

Es gibt nur den Ablauf der Zeit.
Solche Straßen schneiden sich in der Unendlichkeit.Jedes trägt den andern mit sich herum
etwas bleibt immer zurück.

Einmal hat es euch zusammengespült, 

ihr habt euch erhitzt, seid zusammengeschmolzen und dann erkühlt  Ihr wart euer Kind. Jede Hälfte sinkt nun herab -
ein neuer Mensch.

Jeder geht seinem kleinen Schicksal zu.
Leben ist Wandlung. Jedes Ich sucht ein Du. Jeder sucht seine Zukunft. Und geht mit stockendem Fuß,

vorwärtsgerissen vom Willen, ohne Erklärung und ohne Gruß
in ein fernes Land.

(Kurt Tucholsky, 1930)

animated film noir

No fear of the dark.

Samstag, 13. Februar 2010

Ruven Afandor - the master of puppetlook

Working in a dark room and be quiet about his fame is part of the charakter of the leading fashion and celebrity photographer Ruven Afandor. In the 2000, he won the coveted Trophee de la Mode award for Best Photographer.His Columbian roots are in his book "Torero" - Matadors of Columbia, Mexico, Peru and Spain. He received a great deal of praise for this work, especially for the physicalness of the matators, but without any stereotype macho-elegance. His Photos are full of phantasie and sureal situations. The garments in the picture are looking real and the same time so far away.  In the model veins and arteries is no blood, she looks like a window mannequin. This is the point where Ruven Afanador has this scary attitude in his work.
It's hard to find any information about him.
So I'l let his work talk for him.

Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2010

Alexander Mc Queen died

The fashion-world lost one of his most talented and creative designers and personalities.
Alexander Mc Queens is dead.
He loved to polarize, to shock and the drama.
Weirdness, darkness, sience-fiction, nature and an architectural spirtit,
the dark side of life, the evil part in every persons character and the romance of love and death was in every collection he made.

I'm sure the fashionsblogs are full of retrospective about his designings.
I want to show another piece of his work.
He was the director for two beautiful Björk videos.
He created the piercing - dress for björk in the Pagan Peotry clip.
By the way, such a beautiful song.
He also did stuff for Lady Gaga. the Bad Romance video is full of his masterpieces.

One again, greetings to the afterworld and Alex, say hello to Eric Rohmer, you both could get along pretty well i guess. waiting for a new project in the near future. let me know.

Sonntag, 7. Februar 2010

Exorcism - is Satan in my pair of black Jeans?

The Exorcism of... a short film by AntiSweden
Director: http://www.mariust.com/
Music: "Jewled Turtle" by GUAPO

Advertisement for Anti-Schweden
Music: Sunn O)))- O)))BOW1", mixed by Masami Akita / Merzbow
Art Direction: Anti ved Kjetil Wold / Fredrik Melby
Directions: Martin og Jakob / Marius Tharaldsen
Animation: Storm Studio / Martin Engh & Jakob Thommesen
Clip: Motionblur

How much black is in a dark pair of Jeans? Ask Anti-Sweden.
This Norwegian based Label shows a new look for Black Metal. Black is not black, if black is a color, so Anti-Schweden put their effort in the darkness of nature and music.

The doom Project Sunn O))) created the wall of sound for this Ad. This Advertisement is minimal, but the Jeans becomes a mystical, scary piece of cloth.
Transformation into emotion, but not happiness and Sunshine, DARKNESS and FEAR is the world of Anti-Schweden.

I am blown away by this label. I though i must be the only freak who likes doom, metal and weird dark music in perfection with fashion.