Mittwoch, 2. Dezember 2009

Music for your Funeral

WINTERGARTEN are truly from the heart of a dark storm spit out on the top of a mountain. You'll hear the bavarian roots. The lyrics are dialectical, but they have their own tone, just like Sigur Ros talks to Bauhaus.
Wintergarten created a dark side of Folk and New Wave with weird Industrial infuences. Very special and rare, totally unique and even if you don't understand the bavarian dialect, you'll get the mood and the smirk.
mia san miad

Montag, 30. November 2009

Creator of Chaos

Kazimir Severinovich Malevich (1878–1935)was a Russian painter and art theoretician of Polish descent, pioneer of geometric abstract art and the originator of the Avant-garde Suprematist movement.Famous examples of his Suprematist works include Black Square (1915) and White on White (1918).
Malevich responded that art can advance and develop for art's sake alone, regardless of its pleasure: art does not need us, and it never needed us since stars first shone in the sky.
See, the compression of every color brings out Blackness!Its the beginning and the end!
Kazimir Severinovich Malevich
Black Square, 1913, St. Petersburg

DArkness Everywhere!

Have you noticed that the darkness surrounds you everywhere lately. Even H&M bags bring the dark mood into the city. It's a black and white bag showing a fallen apart wood without any leaves.
This movie 2012 is creating a weird panic.
Fashion designers are in love with dark fantasies of lonely fighters wearing black leather. Trying to defense yourself from this fast world without any clear rules.
A lonely melancholic fight!

Darkness i tell you something, i like you, you make me sensitive

Dienstag, 17. November 2009

Been in the Storm and landed in Sweden!

What a nice Label.

Fashion Show Akademie JAK

Fashion Show Akademie JAK 14.11.09 from on Vimeo.

Fashion Show at Akademie JAK in Hamburg 14.11.09
This Show was titeled "RushHour" and i liked the shape of the runway. It was really crowed for a University Fashion Show.
The Models were doing a good job, i mean they were not professionals at all.
I liked 4 -5 Collections the most. The rest was good too, but of course you'll have favorites.

So the next Show is happening in April 2010, and guess what... my own collection is running then.

New Haircut


Black'n'White at Home

Black'n'White Home impression from on Vimeo.

A short impression of my living room, covered in black and white!

Donnerstag, 5. November 2009

The Fathomless of Death



Lately Around My Apartment

In my room! Before i go outside to shoot some pics of my streets, i need to put my camera in my purse.

This is me trying to do a selfshoot!

Just got outside of my apartment and i saw this little note for my neighbour from last night, i guess.

Short letter
I found this around my neighbourhood. I was thinking: I'm pretty happy to have stefan, the neighbour who likes to drink at egalbar. He seems to be a funny person.
But this Anne- K who wrote this letter, uhhhhhh i don't want her to live next to me. she's already pissed just because of using a vibration alarm at your mobile. wow, she must be really stressed out all the time.


Mittwoch, 4. November 2009

Have a nice walk on a sunday

Autumn outside walking makes me happy-depressive.
Fresh air and one million couples give you a weird feeling. Am i the only person who's going outside alone on a sunday?

so you whatever-happy-huging-kissing-have-a-nice-talk couples have a nice sunday, but stay at home and don't give me the feeling of beeing lonley.
Yes, I'm a sunday-walk-alone-nazi, and i don't care.
Maybe my point of view will change someday, but for now stay at home couples!

outside walking 01.11.09 from suzie hochmann on Vimeo.

Dienstag, 3. November 2009


Alec Empire in Hamburg 22.10.09

i would say the gig was nice, but not the best show i've seen from that guy!I've seen a show couple years ago, he was cutting his arm with a broken bottle. that was really mental. I was wondering, if he's doing that every night on that 4 weeks tour, holy shit i do not want to be his arms;-)

i liked nic endo.
the french girl at the merchandise was so nice. i just got back from paris, so it was cool to talk to a french person.
anyways i made a video to share the concert with you guys

Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2009

What A Girl Wants

Let's start the documentary of triviality.
I was in France for 4 days.
I bought a new parfum.
The classical Chanel No. 5.
I thought it might be a good memory of Paris when i'm back home.

Documentary Of My Life!

Finally i've bought myself a new camera. looking forward to take pictures of everything around me!

Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2009

Country arrhhh i love you!

Emit Bloch is one of a kind. His lyrics are poetry. He glows on stage and his outfits are so redicoulous, that it's already cool again! 

check out this song:

Dance around California Tour Part 2

Lisa Superfreak, Melanie the Dancingsnake and Suzie Suspect did Part 2 of "The Dance around California" Tour.
We arrived in San Francisco to do a dance at Sycomore Street. Dan is the King of Dance, and Neil broke the walls with his moves!
Keep on rollin WildThing.

Dancing around California Part 2

Suzie Suspect|MySpace Videos

Dance around California Tour 2009

This is Part One of the "Dance around California" Tour 2009 with
Lisa Superfreak, Melanie the Dancingsnake and Suzie Suspect!
We arrived in North Hollywood to dance deep holes in the livingroom at Pete's and Mike's!
These hippsters from North Hollywood blow out the craziest dancing moves ever.
So, dancing to Pet Shop Boys and moving like a Maniac, unbeatable!
This first part of our "Dancing around California" tour was so inspiring, that we couldn't stop dancing at all.
Thank you Digga's!

Dancing around California Part 1

Suzie Suspect|MySpace Videos

Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2009

Nothing last forever

but i'll always love traveling.

San Francisco is one of the best city's i've ever been.
I saw this cool street between Valencia and Mission,
it's filled with awesome Graffiti.

Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2009

Can You Hear Your Closet?

What happens if Fashion and Art is getting together.The SHOWstudio, the Designer Gareth Pugh and the Photographer Nick Knight showed for the Autumn/Winter Collection 09/10 how impressive and dark fashion can be.

Black Dessert Filled With Meaningless Crap

Black Dessert Filled With Meaningless Crap
My first post is about the breaking up with my boyfriend.
So, I'm feeling like someone cut half of my body and took it away.

No, seriously it's not a happy time at all of course.
And listing to music about love and beeing lonley helps.
So, here is my very personal little
"Chart of Depression"

Turner- You Love Sorrow  

Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - Falling  

Rupa & The April Fishes - Wishful Thinking  

The Cardigans - Communication

Pulp - There's no Emotion
Tomte - Es ist so das du fehlst
Neurosis - Empty

Wintergarten - Im Woid
Sex Pistols - Lonley Boy
Vast - Pretty When you Cry

Selig - Ohne Dich

The Bishops - You Leave Me Today
Soko - It's Raining Outside

Rachel Mayfield - Let Go