Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2009

Black Dessert Filled With Meaningless Crap

Black Dessert Filled With Meaningless Crap
My first post is about the breaking up with my boyfriend.
So, I'm feeling like someone cut half of my body and took it away.

No, seriously it's not a happy time at all of course.
And listing to music about love and beeing lonley helps.
So, here is my very personal little
"Chart of Depression"

Turner- You Love Sorrow www.myspace.com/turnerpawel  

Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - Falling www.myspace.com/nickcaveandwarrenellis  

Rupa & The April Fishes - Wishful Thinking www.myspace.com/aprilfishes  

The Cardigans - Communication www.myspace.com/thecardigans

Pulp - There's no Emotion  www.myspace.com/jarviscockerpulp
Tomte - Es ist so das du fehlst www.myspace.com/tomte
Neurosis - Empty   www.myspace.com/officialneurosis

Wintergarten - Im Woid  www.myspace.com/wintergarten
Sex Pistols - Lonley Boy  www.myspace.com/sexpistolsofficial
Vast - Pretty When you Cry www.myspace.com/vast

Selig - Ohne Dich www.myspace.com/seligmusik

The Bishops - You Leave Me Today  www.myspace.com/thebishopsuk
Soko - It's Raining Outside   www.myspace.com/mysoko

Rachel Mayfield - Let Go www.myspace.com/rachelmayfield 

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